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How does FOMO affect sleep and functioning?

22 lutego 2021
FOMO, sleep hygiene, internet addiction, insomnia
FOMO is an increasingly common phenomenon that affects many people in today's world. With the development of technology and greater accessibility to information, it is becoming harder to disconnect from the world and not feel lost or excluded from events. This phenomenon also has an impact on our sleep, and a lack of peace at night can lead to health and well-being problems.

To overcome FOMO, it is important to understand what it is, how it affects human life, and how to deal with it. It is also important to know how to minimize the impact of FOMO on sleep and improve the quality of nightly rest. Sleep plays a crucial role in our daily biopsychosocial functioning, and a lack of peace at night can lead to negative health effects. Therefore, it is important to learn how to cope with FOMO and enjoy the moment while taking care of our health and well-being.
FOMO, insomnia, smartphone addiction, night fears

What is FOMO and how does it affect our lives?

FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) is a strong feeling of anxiety and fear of missing out on something important or interesting. It can apply to various aspects of life such as interpersonal relationships, career, or social life. Nowadays, FOMO is particularly prevalent in the era of social media, where we are bombarded daily with information about what our friends, celebrities, and completely unknown people from around the world are doing.

Importantly, FOMO has a very negative impact on our lives. It can lead to constant comparison with others, which results in a sense of low self-worth and lack of confidence. On the other hand, the constant pursuit of perfection and experiencing everything can lead to exhaustion, lack of time for relaxation and rest, which in turn poses a threat to our health and well-being.

Moreover, FOMO can also affect the quality of sleep for each of us. Constantly checking our phone, emails, and social media before bed can lead to disruptions in our circadian rhythm, which in turn affects the quality and duration of our sleep. As a result, a lack of adequate sleep can affect our health, well-being, and productivity in daily activities.
FOMO is a phenomenon that destroys life on many levels.

As noted by Mateusz Nesterok, a health and rehabilitation psychologist working with ONSEN®, it is worth learning to choose what is really important to us and focus on what gives us joy and fulfillment. A good way to reduce FOMO may also be to limit the time spent on social media and focus on our own lives and goals.

He points out that sleep is one of the most important physiological processes that occurs in the human body every night. During sleep, the body regenerates and repairs the damage that occurred during the day, as well as processes and consolidates information from short-term and long-term memory. Proper sleep hygiene also affects the functioning of the nervous, hormonal, and immune systems.

Lack of adequate sleep can lead to many negative consequences for health and well-being. People who do not sleep enough or deeply enough may experience fatigue, lack of energy, difficulty concentrating, and difficulty assimilating information. They may also experience health problems, such as overweight, but also diabetes, heart and circulatory diseases, and even depression and other affective disorders.

FOMO, anxiety disorders, blue light, waking up at night

Why is FOMO becoming increasingly common?

FOMO is a concerning phenomenon that is becoming increasingly popular. People are feeling the need to stay up-to-date with everything happening in their personal and professional lives. There are various factors contributing to the growing number of individuals affected by FOMO.


One of the main factors influencing the development of FOMO is the advancement of technology and the increasing availability of the internet. Social media, news websites, industry portals, and blogs have become an integral part of our lives. They are endless sources of information that are difficult to resist. As a result, everyone can stay up-to-date with the lives of their friends, follow the latest developments in their industry, or know what's happening in the world. However, it is extremely easy to cross the line and introduce too much information into one's life, which can lead to the feeling of constantly missing out.

Another important factor is the growing social pressure to stay up-to-date with everything and not fall behind others. It often seems that if we didn't participate in an event, visit an interesting place, or don't have the latest gadget, then we are behind and not keeping up with the rest of the world. This leads to a feeling of constant haste and the need to be up-to-date.

The increase in the number of people suffering from FOMO may also be due to the fact that more and more people live alone and lack strong social ties. They often do not have regular groups of friends or family with whom they share their lives. Therefore, there is a need to stay up-to-date with everything that is happening in the world in order to feel more integrated with the rest of society.

We cannot forget about the pressure that advertising and media exert on our lives. We are constantly bombarded with images of luxury vacations, the latest car models, or phones that create the feeling that we must have what the manufacturers offer us. This leads to a constant desire to buy new things, so as not to fall behind the rest of society.

All these factors contribute to the increase of FOMO, but we ourselves have an influence on how we react to it and how we deal with this phenomenon. However, it requires increased self-awareness, as well as not only critical thinking skills but also the ability to self-criticize.

Insomnia, FOMO, internet addiction therapy, therapist, racing thoughts

How to deal with FOMO and enjoy the moment?

FOMO, which stands for fear of missing out, can be an incredibly disruptive problem that affects both our personal and professional lives. It is a type of internet addiction, focused mainly on information. However, we don't have to let this phenomenon control us. There are various ways to deal with FOMO and enjoy every moment.

First of all, it's important to understand that we can't be everywhere and do everything. We need to learn to accept the fact that sometimes we will have to give up certain events or other things in order to focus on what is important to us. We need to learn to choose and focus on what truly matters to us.

Another way to deal with FOMO is to learn to live in the moment. Instead of constantly thinking about what we might be missing out on, let's focus on what is happening right now. Paying attention, observing, and focusing on the present moment allows us to enjoy what we're doing and be more present in the moment.

Another way to deal with FOMO is to set priorities. We need to understand what is most important to us and focus on that. When we have clear goals and priorities, it's easier for us to make decisions and choose what is important to us. This allows us to take control of our lives and avoid feeling like we've missed out on something important.

Another way to deal with FOMO is to learn to use social media responsibly. We need to remember that what we see online doesn't always reflect reality. Often what we show on TikTok, Facebook, or Instagram is just the tip of the iceberg. We need to learn to approach social media with distance and not take everything we see there too seriously.

Finally, it's important to seek support and talk about our addiction. Sometimes all it takes is talking to someone about our fears and realizing that we are not alone in this problem. It's worth seeking help from a psychologist, both in individual therapy and group therapy. FOMO is often linked to anxiety disorders, which require both psychological therapy and medication.

We shouldn't stop working towards our own mental health. Using technology and social media should be done consciously and thoughtfully. It's worth taking time to disconnect from electronic devices and dedicate time to meditation, especially mindfulness, or other forms of activity that will allow us to fully regenerate our energy. By doing so, we will be able to gain inner balance and a sense of control over our lives, which in turn will allow us to enjoy every moment.
Depression, anxiety and depression disorders, FOMO, smartphone, sleep hygiene

FOMO and sleep - how lack of rest affects our well-being?

FOMO, which stands for fear of missing out on something seemingly important, can lead to chronic anxiety and ultimately to insomnia and other sleep disorders. Nowadays, many people feel pressure to always be up to date, quickly respond to information, and be available to others at all times. This can lead to a lack of peace and a difficult-to-overcome feeling of tension, which in turn affects the quality of our sleep.

Lack of sleep or poor quality sleep is a straightforward path to many health problems. It negatively affects our well-being. Too little sleep can lead to fatigue, a weakened immune system, and emotional problems such as susceptibility to stress, anxiety, or depression. In the long run, this can lead to serious illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, or hypertension.

That's why it's so important to take care of the quality of your sleep and avoid situations that lead to sleep disorders. One way to improve sleep quality is to regularly disconnect from electronic devices, which allows our brain to rest and regenerate. It's also worth taking care of suitable sleeping conditions, such as a comfortable bed, pleasant bedding, and the appropriate temperature in the bedroom.

If FOMO affects the quality of our sleep, it's worth consulting a doctor or sleep specialist. They can help identify the causes of sleep problems and propose effective solutions, such as behavioral therapy or sleeping pills. It's important not to ignore sleep problems and approach them responsibly to ensure healthy and restorative sleep.

Lack of relaxation is also associated with a lack of comfort that a properly equipped bedroom should provide. Therefore, it's very important to ensure proper sleep hygiene, which consists of daily rituals and proper sleep products. The key to sleep hygiene is choosing a mattress that provides optimal support and allows for proper body regeneration.

For the best sleep hygiene, the Osaka Air mattress is recommended, which is the result of a process based on design thinking methodology with the participation of top-class specialists. It's also a first-class medical device made in accordance with jobs to be done, meaning a mattress that is designed to perform a specific task for the user. Its primary task is to meet the needs of consumers and solve their problems.

We also encourage you to explore other articles on the best sleep and health blog, as well as the Encyclopedia of Healthy Sleep prepared by the ONSEN® team of specialists. For those who care about spine health, we recommend a set of spine exercises prepared by our physiotherapist.

160x200 mattress, comfortable mattresses, mattress store, Osaka, sleep hygiene


What is FOMO?

FOMO is an acronym for "fear of missing out," which is the fear of missing out on something important. It is an emotion that often arises in today's world due to constant access to information and the need to stay up-to-date with the latest news, even though the accumulation of such information is impossible.

How does FOMO affect our lives?

FOMO can lead to chronic anxiety, which can cause sleep disturbances, decreased sense of happiness, and increased anxiety and stress. It can also lead to hasty decision-making and negatively impact our social relationships.

How to deal with FOMO?

There are many ways to deal with FOMO, such as realizing our values and goals, avoiding comparing ourselves to others, focusing on the present instead of the future, or planning time to disconnect from electronic devices. FOMO often requires the help of a psychologist, sometimes in collaboration with a psychiatrist.

Is FOMO a disease?

FOMO, although a form of addiction, is not recognized as a disease in the full sense of the word, but it can lead to negative health consequences such as sleep disorders, anxiety, and stress, which can affect our well-being and health. Furthermore, it often leads to depression.

Does FOMO only affect young people?

No. FOMO can affect people of all ages, because it is a phenomenon that results from constant access to information and the need to stay up-to-date. People between the ages of 18 and 34 are the most susceptible to FOMO, but increasingly, middle-aged and even elderly people are also affected.

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