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Spinal disc – what to watch out for and how to treat it?

5 maja 2023
Spine disk, spinal disks, intervertebral discs, mattress for the spine
The spine is made up of 33-34 vertebrae, which are connected by elastic discs. These small but extremely important components play a crucial role in absorbing the forces acting on the spine and enabling its mobility. Often, it is these spinal discs that become the source of pain and other ailments.

In this article, you will learn about what spinal discs are and what difficulties may arise with them. We will also discuss ways to effectively prevent disc damage, as well as how to treat and alleviate pain associated with conditions. If you suffer from back pain or are interested in spine health, particularly in its prevention, this is the perfect text for you.
Disks in the spine, degeneration of the spine, herniated disk, sciatica

What is a spinal disc?

A spinal disc is an extremely important anatomical structure that is located between adjacent vertebrae and serves as a shock absorber. It consists of an outer fibrous ring and an inner gel-like nucleus pulposus, which absorbs the pressure forces on the vertebrae during body movement. One of the most common health problems associated with the spinal disc is its damage or displacement, which can lead to a number of serious ailments, including back pain and limited mobility.

The correct term for the spinal disc is intervertebral disc. They are found in all five segments of the vertebral column, but problems with them most commonly affect the lumbar and cervical regions. Factors such as lack of physical activity, particularly a sedentary lifestyle, physical work, or injuries can increase the risk of damage to the spinal disc. There are also genetic factors that affect the health of the spine and discs.

Symptoms of spinal disc disorders vary depending on the location of the damage. In the case of the cervical spine, symptoms include neck, arm, chest, and hand pain, as well as tingling or numbness in these areas. In the case of the lumbar disc, symptoms may include back pain, leg and foot pain, as well as muscle weakness in the legs.

The spinal disc is the common name for the intervertebral disc, a vital structure located in the spine of each of us.

To prevent spinal disc disorders, it is recommended to use proper technique when lifting heavy objects, avoid prolonged staying in one position, regularly perform back strengthening exercises, and maintain correct body posture during daily activities.

The conclusion is clear. Each spinal disc plays a very important role in every organism, and any damage to it can easily lead to serious health problems. It is worth taking care of prevention and regularly performing spine exercises and using proper ergonomic techniques during activities. In case of any symptoms of spinal disc disorders, it is essential to consult a specialist doctor as soon as possible.

Intervertebral disc, spinal disk, lower back pain

How to protect your spinal disc?

Every day, the spine is exposed to many factors that can irreversibly affect its health. One of the most important elements to watch out for is the spinal disc, commonly known as the intervertebral disc. It is responsible primarily for shock absorption, thus protecting the spine from injuries and overloads. It is therefore worth knowing how to take care of this extremely important element of our body.

Firstly, take care of your proper posture. Improper body positioning during sitting or standing can cause excessive pressure on the spinal disc. That is why it is worth taking care of full ergonomics of your workplace and avoiding positions that cause back pain.

Secondly, regularly engage in strengthening exercises for your back muscles. Strong muscles are a guarantee of stability of the spine and thus a significant reduction in the risk of intervertebral disc injury. It is worth consulting with a physiotherapist or a qualified personal trainer who will help you choose the right exercises for your body type.

Thirdly, fall in love with physical activity. It is no secret that a sedentary lifestyle is very detrimental to the health of the spine. Therefore, it is worth taking care of regular physical activity, even through daily walks, jogging or swimming. This will allow you to properly flex your muscles and ensure proper blood flow to the spine, which will translate into its nutrition.

Fourthly, avoid overloading and any sudden movements. Squatting with weight or sudden body twists are among the most common causes of disc injuries. That is why it is worth avoiding such situations and ensuring that our movements are smooth and controlled.

Taking care of the health of the spinal disc is the key to ensuring a comfortable and active lifestyle. It is worth remembering about the ergonomics of your workplace, regularly strengthening the back muscles, and at least average physical activity. Let's also avoid overloading and sudden movements as much as possible, which can lead to an unpleasant disc injury.

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What are the disorders of intervertebral discs?

Intervertebral discs are anatomical elements of the spine that play a very important role. Their task is to absorb and distribute pressure on individual vertebrae during movement of the body. They can be damaged, leading to disorders of intervertebral discs.

One of the common disorders is discopathy, which is a degenerative disease of the intervertebral disc. It involves a gradual deterioration of the structure and elasticity of the disc, which leads to its weakening and then to the appearance of back pain. Discopathy may be caused by factors such as improper, i.e., non-physiological body positioning, lack of physical activity, or spinal injuries.

Another disorder that is also frequent is herniated disc. It is a condition in which the nucleus pulposus of the disc moves outwards and compresses nerve roots, leading to back pain and neurological symptoms. Often, sudden movements or lifting weights are the cause of such herniation.

A third common disorder that affects intervertebral discs is spinal canal stenosis. This disease manifests itself by narrowing the space in the spinal canal, which leads to excessive pressure on nerve roots and causes back pain and significant problems with motor coordination. Spinal canal stenosis may be caused by degenerative changes in the spine, as well as abnormalities in its structure.

It is also worth mentioning spinal osteochondrosis. It is a degenerative disease that causes changes in the structure of the spine, including the intervertebral discs. People suffering from this disease experience back pain, stiffness, and limited mobility. Osteochondrosis may have a genetic basis or be caused by an unhealthy lifestyle.

However, it is important to remember that every disorder of intervertebral discs requires an individual approach and treatment. The most important thing is to consult with a doctor and take appropriate action to prevent the further progression of the disease, and in consequence, improve the quality of life. It is also necessary to undertake various preventive measures, including proper sleep hygiene, which consists of many elements.

Osteochondrosis, spine treatment, spine surgery, sleep hygiene

How to cure a spinal disc?

Intervertebral discs are an extremely important element of our spinal structure. Their dysfunction can lead to serious health problems. Therefore, healing the disc in the spine is crucial for maintaining physiological, i.e., proper functioning of the body. There are different treatment methods for spinal discs. They are applied depending on the type and degree of damage.

One of the most common methods for treating spinal disc is physiotherapy. The aim of physiotherapy is to reduce pain and improve mobility of the spine. Physiotherapists use various massage techniques, but also recommend various exercises to strengthen muscles around the spine, and also the popular manual therapy. An important element of physiotherapy is also patient education on correct body posture and how to perform daily activities to avoid excessive strain on the spine.

Another well-known treatment method for spinal disc that after years, is returning to patients' favor, is acupuncture. It involves puncturing certain points on the body, which affects the nervous and hormonal systems. Acupuncture can help reduce pain and improve overall functioning of the spine. However, this is a method that requires an appropriately trained specialist, and is not recommended for everyone.

Another treatment method for spinal disc is classical surgery performed in hospital conditions by neurosurgeons. They are used in cases where other treatment methods do not bring the expected results. These procedures may involve removal of the damaged part of the disc, as well as insertion of an artificial implant. It is worth remembering, however, that surgical procedure is always risky and requires appropriate preparation and constant supervision by a doctor. And after surgery, a certain time of convalescence is required.

Prevention is of course the best option, which means prevention. Above all, it is necessary to take care of correct posture and avoid prolonged sitting in one position every day. It is also important to regularly perform exercises to strengthen muscles around the spine and take care of a proper diet, which will provide the body with the right amount of nutrients needed for tissue regeneration.

Spine prevention, exercises for the spine, spinal disk

What to sleep on to have a healthy spine?

There is a common misconception that the harder the mattress, the better it is for the spine. These are referred to as H4, H5, and even H6. This myth is perpetuated by many doctors and physiotherapists, not intentionally but mostly due to ignorance. They are not specialists in the production technology of mattresses or pillows, so they rely on the dominant message. Unfortunately, this message is often created by many dishonest mattress manufacturers and then repeated in almost every mattress store in the country.

It is easy to imagine that a hard mattress does not conform to the natural curves of the body and may lead to uneven distribution of weight, which increases pressure on certain parts of the body such as the hips and shoulders. It also causes excessive straightening of the spine. Additionally, a hard mattress prevents muscle relaxation because it requires maintaining a greater tension at night to maintain the desired body position. This can lead to stiffness and pain, especially in people who already have spine problems. As a result, it causes and exacerbates a whole range of spine disorders.

Even more harmful is the belief that people with spinal diseases and those who are elderly should sleep on exceptionally soft mattresses, which are often referred to as H1 or H2. These also cause even more harm to the spine. In this case too, the dominant message plays a significant role, which unfortunately is not consistent with reality.

A soft mattress may seem pleasant at first glance but may be harmful to the spine for several reasons. Firstly, a soft mattress does not provide adequate support for the spine and can lead to improper alignment of the vertebrae during sleep. As a result, there may be pain in the back, neck, head, or shoulders.

It is widely known that sleeping on a soft mattress affects blood circulation and impedes proper blood outflow in various areas, which can lead to numbness or pain in different parts of the body. This reduces blood flow, so the nourishment of discs in the spine also decreases. Additionally, sleeping on a too soft mattress causes it not to support the body and spine, which ultimately leads to sleeping in an incorrect position. Such mattresses, especially those with visco foam in the top layer, make it significantly difficult for older people to get out of bed.
The best mattress for the spine is medium-hard, with a hardness of about 6.5, sometimes referred to as H3/H4.
The best mattress for the spine is considered to be medium-hard. In Poland, it is said to be H3 mattress, but this scale has no reliable basis and is not uniform, but completely arbitrary. That's why ONSEN® uses the American scale, which assumes that a medium-hard mattress has a hardness of about 6.5 on a 10-point scale.

Therefore, Osaka Air mattress provides adequate and physiologically correct body support, while allowing for natural spine alignment. It eliminates the risk of the body sinking too deeply into the mattress, which could affect improper spine position and lead to back pain. It is also exceptionally elastic and ensures optimal dynamics and air circulation. It contours to the body's curves by contouring, providing proper spine support. This makes it the best mattress for people who care about spinal health.

ONSEN® offers the Osaka Air mattress, which is the best mattress available on the market. It meets the needs of even the most demanding people, fulfilling all 10 basic mattress functionalities, as well as being a first-class medical device. It is subject to a 15-year warranty and a program allowing for order return within 100 days, which minimizes the risk of purchase to zero. Thanks to the confidence and trust we have in our mattress, we share it with everyone who cares about the best product.

We also encourage you to explore other articles on the best sleep and health blog, as well as the Encyclopedia of Healthy Sleep prepared by the ONSEN® team of specialists. For those who care about spine health, we recommend a set of spine exercises prepared by our physiotherapist.
Mattress for the spine, orthopedic mattresses, back pain pillow

FAQ: Spinal disc

What are the most common causes of spinal disc diseases?

The most common causes of spinal disc diseases are injuries, overuse, poor posture, lack of physical activity, and natural aging processes.

What are the symptoms of spinal disc disease?

Symptoms of spinal disc diseases can include back pain, numbness or tingling in the limbs, difficulty moving, and balance problems.

What treatment methods are available for people with spinal disc diseases?

Treatment methods for people with spinal disc diseases include physiotherapy, steroid injections, and in extreme cases, surgical procedures. It is also important to maintain proper sleep hygiene by using an orthopedic pillow and mattress with a universal firmness.

Can a spinal disc regenerate on its own?

Spinal discs have limited ability to self-regenerate, so the best way to support their health is to maintain overall good health through physical activity, a healthy diet, and avoiding risk factors.

Is physical work possible after lumbar spine surgery?

When it comes to physical work after lumbar spine surgery, it depends on the type of surgery, its complexity, and individual health condition. In some cases, physical work is possible after lumbar spine surgery, but it is generally recommended to avoid heavy lifting and repetitive movements that can increase the risk of injury. It is important to consult with a doctor or physiotherapist who can assess the condition and determine what physical activities are safe after surgery.

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